Sleeping Around

A major attraction of the 3-year cruise was going to be that I could travel the world without constantly having to make lodging/transportation arrangements. Instead, I found myself doing the opposite: over the last 7 months, I’ve slept in 50 different beds.

With the prospect of a new cruise on the horizon, I am so looking forward to not having to make any AirBnB arrangements for the foreseeable future!

In reverse chronological order, here’s where I’ve been sleeping around.

#50. Belfast, N. Ireland
2 nights
#49. Heathrow, England
1 night
#48. Hounslow, England
2 nights
#47. Bogota, Colombia
1 night
#46. Cali, Colombia
3 nights
#45. Cali, Colombia
2 nights
#44. Bogota, Colombia
5 nights
#43. Bird Refuge Lodge
3 nights
#42. Glamping farmstay, Ecuador 4 nights
#41. Quito, Ecuador
4 nights
#40. Isabela Island
5 nights
#39. Galapagos Cruise
3 nights
#38. Santa Cruz, Galapagos
2 nights
#37. Santa Cruz, Galapagos
2 nights
#36. San Cristobal, Galapagos
7 nights
#35. Guyaquil, Peru
1 night
#34. Lima, Peru
2 nights
#33. Cuzco, Peru
1 night
#32. Patiti, Peru
2 nights
#31. Amazon, Peru
1 night
#30. Cuzco, Peru
#29. Machu Picchu, Peru 1 night
#28. Cuzco, Peru
3 nights
#27. Lake Titicaca, Bolivia
6 nights
#26. Lake Titicaca, Bolivia
2 nights
#25. La Paz, Bolivia
3 nights
#24. Uyuni, Bolivia Train car 1 night
#23. Potosi, Bolivia
2 nights
#22. Uyuni, Bolivia
1 night
#21. Uyuni, Bolivia
1 night
#20. Calama, Chile
1 night
#19. Overnight sleeper bus Santiago to Calama 1 night
#18 Santiago, Chile
1 night
#17 Santiago, Chile
6 nights
#16. Santiago, Chile
7 nights
#15. Norwegian Sun cruise
16 nights
#14. Iguazu, Argentina
4 nights
#13. Overnight bus to Iguazu
1 night
#12. Antarctica Cruise
14 nights
#11. Buenos Aires, Argentina
#10. Buenos Aires, Argentina
#9. Buenos Aires, Argentina
#8. Buenos Aires, Argentina
1 night
#7. Key West, Florida
2 nights
#6. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
12 nights

Ooops! Forgot to take picture of apt. Here’s a picture of my gracious hosts instead!

#5. Prizren, Kosovo
1 night
#4. Sofia, Bulgaria
1 night
#3. Sofia, Bulgaria
2 nights
#2. Pumakalle, Turkey
3 nights
#1. Istanbul, Turkey
36 nights
22 responses to “Sleeping Around”
  1. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    My favorite line…once a scientist, always a scientist you could also title this Bedtime Stories 🛌

    1. Yeah, you can get a person out of science, but you can’t get the science out of this person…

  2. I love this. Finally, after something like 20 years I’m seeing this title in print. 😎

    1. I know, right? Previously only seen in the CGI archives…

  3. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    What a great collection and what a difference in so many. My favorite was the bird refuge Lodge and the Glamping. Unreal !!!! Looking forward to seeing where you go next.

    1. Those were two of my favorites too, they were both very unique.

  4. Hazel Mckay Avatar
    Hazel Mckay

    Now the sail away has been delayed till the 5th of June. Where will you be sleeping from now to then?

    1. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
      Debbie S Wallace

      Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m exhausted just thinking about packing and unpacking..let alone the touring! You are an amazing lady!!!

      1. The packing and unpacking was definitely making me road weary.

    2. That’s the question of the day. We are all scrambling to find/extend our lodgings. Perhaps on the streets of Belfast? 😉

  5. Well, you found some great places to stay, but I’m sure it will be a relief to hand over the logistics to someone else. I’m so glad you found this upcoming cruise.

    1. Me too! Hopefully, this one will actually sail….

  6. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Wow. That post was a bit of work. Nice recap!

    1. It sure was! I started prepping this one weeks ago.

  7. Alison Hilton Avatar
    Alison Hilton

    Wow! You really have been sleeping around! I’m sure it will be nice to have a room to call your own. Can’t wait to hear about your next adventures.

    1. Yes, however small, it will be nice to be in the same cabin.

  8. Leave it to you to chronicle your rooms! Can only imagine the hours of planning!

    1. Of course! Once a scientist, always a scientist, documenting everything…

  9. Meredith Avatar

    Fabulous fun

    1. Fun, and exhausting too

  10. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld


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