
Slow Train to the End of the World

The southernmost tip of South America, referred to as The End of the World, contains Tierra Del Fuego (Land of Fire) National Park. A replica steam train took us slowly on the 7 km journey through the park to the very tip of the continent. Also called the Prisoners’ Train, it reflects the park’s history as a penal colony in the 1880s.

These pictures were taken through the train window, but they still convey the brilliant green of the park.

Catamaran that brought us to the park via the Beagle Channel, which separates Argentina from Chile.

The post office at The End of the World is a small shanty on stilts jutting out into the Beagle Channel.

On the train with Shirene, another Life At Sea Cruise castaway.

4 responses to “Slow Train to the End of the World”
  1. Lovely! I am so happy you are having all these terrific experiences! I forwarded your blog to June yesterday, somehow she had lost track….

    1. Thanks Margret! I was wondering about June, I haven’t heard from her in a while.

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    One of the world’s most unique postmarks, I’m sure!

    1. Yes, definitely. And at $7.00 USD for a postcard, probably one of the world’s most expensive.