
Taste the Rainbow

Many cities have local food tasting tours. I’m not much of a foodie; the focus is usually on local meat or seafood specialties, and alcohol, most of which is wasted on me. But in Colombia, I found a food tasting tour I could get behind: Taste the Rainbow, a tour of the colorful wares at the local public market in Cali.

Palm Peach
Palm Peach vendor
Agras Berries
Guama fruit
Karambola (Star fruit)
Guama fruit
Mamoncillo left an impression!
Purple corn

Corn tamales vendor with her wares, always a favorite of mine.

The tour concluded with a cup of authentic Colombian coffee. I don’t usually drink my coffee black; my style is more like half a cup of coffee with half a cup of milk. But my tour guide Juan gently suggested I should try it the way it was meant to be enjoyed—black—and assured me it was mellow. And he was right. I couldn’t believe I drank the entire cup without a drop of milk in it!

With my tour guide Juan

If you find yourself in Cali, Columbia, check out Juan’s Exotic Food Market Tour with Cali Cultural Tours.

Tasting of this product was not included 🙂

5 responses to “Taste the Rainbow”
  1. Beverly Avatar


  2. Did the palm fruit taste like persimmons? They look very much the same!

    1. It had a very dense, fibrous, texture. I’m told it’s very high in protein.

  3. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    Love love love your adventures!!!

    1. So glad you are enjoying, Debbie!

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