The Camera As Weapon

En route to the Amazon rainforest, in the town of Atalaya, we transferred from a van to a small boat that took us down the Madre de Dios river into the jungle. The area is home to indigenous tribes who remain mostly isolated from the outside world. They are skilled bow-and-arrow hunters and attacks on foreigners have been reported. A sign posted in the town warns against making contact:

“Careful! Transit zone for indigenous people in isolation. Avoid conflicts. Do not try to contact. Do not give them clothing, food, tools….Do not photograph (they could interpret the camera as a weapon).”

You can be sure I kept my camera and ginormous 600mm lens carefully tucked out of sight!

8 responses to “The Camera As Weapon”
  1. That’s crazy ! I would have been scared to death . Dis you see the people ?

    1. No, we never did see them.

      1. Wondering if they were watching you?

        1. Quite possible!

  2. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    If the pen is mightier than the sword, then perhaps the camera is mightier than a bow and arrow?

    1. I would rather not test that theory!

  3. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    May safety and good health always be with you!

    1. Thanks Elaine!

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