
The Cell Phone Bermuda Triangle

At least 10 people from our ship have had their phones stolen in South American ports, mostly Argentina and Brazil. I’m enjoying seeing what South America has to offer, but fear of getting mugged is definitely putting a damper on things.

Snatching by motorcycle—where two guys zip by on a motorcycle and one grabs a phone out of the hands of someone standing by the curb—is a popular theft mode. They will also rip cross-body bags off your body, slice the bottom off small bags with a razor, and yank jewelry off your body. They steal phones not just for the high resale value, for also to gain access to passwords and bank accounts.

Of course, I take all reasonable precautions. I keep my cell phone tucked away in a fanny pack that’s hidden under my clothing. I never wear jewelry. If I have to use my phone to check directions or to get an Uber, I make sure I’m not standing by the curb, making myself a target for motorcycle snatching. My camera stays in my backpack unless it feels safe to bring it out. Some people have resorted to carrying a decoy non-functional phone to give up in case of mugging. We are encouraged to travel in groups, but the reality is that even a group is not immune to mugging. In the Salvador (Brazil) cruise terminal, a woman (from a different cruise ship) who was with a group of 4 (2 male, 2 female) got her jewelry yanked right off her neck, right in front of the terminal.

In Salvador, a couple of us Ubered to a nice birding spot in the city. Beautiful lake, in the middle of the city with a widely used pedestrian promenade and lots of people around. The minute we pulled out our cameras/cell phones to take bird pictures, at least 3 friendly locals approached us, urging us to put them away.

My old iPhone (I upgraded recently to replace an aging 10X model) has become part of a community lending library for people who lose their phones. We wipe all the data from an old phone and lend it to them so they at least have some limited functionality until they can get a replacement —which can sometimes take weeks or months, depending on where it happens.

Brazil is taking some steps to reduce phone theft but for now, I’m anxiously looking over my shoulder a lot.

2 responses to “The Cell Phone Bermuda Triangle”
  1. Basia, as you’re getting closer to the stop in Belem, I’m wondering if you and any of the other residents on board are making plans to debark the ship there and fly to Manaus for a trip on the Amazon River? Someone commented on another site that Joe Rhodes was considering that. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but probably will never be able to, and I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see photos and hear your comments if such an adventure is indeed on your radar!

  2. Take care, Basia. Our world has such beauty and such ugliness.

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