Back in Buenos Aires after the Antarctica cruise, I am re-adjusting to life on land.
On the cruise, there were people who had been on 30-40-50 previous cruises. Going from one cruise to the next had become a lifestyle. I can understand the attraction. The cruising life is seductive. What this cruise confirmed for me is that I would have been very happy spending the next 3 years of my life at sea. Going to sleep in one country and waking up in another. Exploring lands I’ve never seen. Being fully engaged.
Some people envision cruising as relaxing; for others it seems boring. For me, it was often exhausting. (Yes I know, first world problem!) Theater productions, magic shows, acrobats, and concerts to enjoy. Bingo to play and slots tournaments to enter (and lose). Enrichment seminars to attend. Live oldies-but-goodies music to listen to (including one of my faves, Leonard Cohen). Hot tubs to soak in. Silent disco and flash dances to participate in. And that’s just when you’re at sea, not exploring a port.
I loved every minute of this cruise. And am ready to board another one. This one sets sail on Feb 5 from Buenos Aires and ends 16 days later in Santiago, Chile. I think I may be joining the serial cruisers club…
And no, I haven’t given up on the 3-year around-the-world cruise dream. If and when one comes together that I feel I can trust, I will be signing up all over again.

I never did find out why, but for some reason I got upgraded to a balcony room, even though I had only paid for a window cabin. It made life extra sweet. I spent many hours on my bed, lulled by the waves and hoping to catch a glimpse of birds or whales gliding by my window.

6 responses to “The Cruising Life”
Better be careful. Balcony rooms can be addicting.
I’m realizing that! Unfortunately, my next cruise will not have a balcony.
Yes, we are enjoying being with you virtually, no matter whaere you are or what you are doing!!!! I love it!!!!!!!
Shannon I remember you did a bit of cruising yourself, I always think of you when I get on the boat.
I have enjoyed every bit of your excursions. Thank you for sharing the experiences. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Dear Sharon, I love knowing that you are reading this blog.