The Inner Life of Ships

For those of you who have been asking about the cruise delays, here is a video update Villa Vie (the cruise company) provided recently, explaining the work being done. Work on the rudder stocks has been a main factor for the delays. This may be more information than most of you were asking for, but if you’re interested in the inner workings of a ship, you may find it interesting.

2 responses to “The Inner Life of Ships”
  1. Thanks for the explanation video. No more news on when Odyssey will be sailing? Is V.V. paying for all the residents out of pocket expensed they are having to pay for the time they are not onboard and they have to find things to do while they wait to sail.

  2. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Hopefully soon !!!!!! Ready to see you on that ship going down the path !!!

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