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The Rooster

Rooster sculpture, “Cock” by Katharina Fritsch, at The Sculpture Garden, Roseville, MN. Photo taken June 2021

{This entry was originally posted on Facebook on April 22, 2023.}

I was talking to my sister Donna about how daunting the logistics of this cruise were, and how I had so many things to take care of between now and departure day. She reminded me of an old Polish saying: “Nie miała baba kłopotu, to kupiła sobie koguta.” Which loosely translates to: “The old woman didn’t have any troubles, so she bought herself a rooster.” As in, you brought this on yourself, you fool…

I have a pleasant, comfortable, low-stress life. What on earth compelled me to go out and get this giant rooster, who has been wreaking havoc on my peaceful life??