
The View From My (Bus) Window

I was prepared for my 33-hour bus ride from Chile to Bolivia to be grueling. But it turned out to be a relaxing way to travel. The first 22 hours were on a sleeper bus with fully reclining seats, and not very crowded, so I had an empty seat next me. The second segment wasn’t overnight so seats were only partly reclining, and was more crowded. But I didn’t need to recline much, because the views kept me entertained. Most of the Bolivia segment was through a remote area; we rode for hours through mountains and deserts, rarely seeing any humans, and with no cell phone connections. Alpacas roamed freely along the road, and at least one ostrich ran in front of our bus!

Here are some of the views from my bus window.

I had a front row seat on the upper deck, with a panoramic view of the road
Western coast of Chile
Western coast of Chile
One of the few urban areas we passed through
Chile – I think this was part of the Andes mountain range
My favorite – alpacas, storks, and various other birds, at a rest stop in Bolivia
Packs of alpacas roamed freely along the route in Bolivia
Sunrise casts an orange glow over salt mounds in Bolivia
Our bus at a rest stop just past the Bolivian border
5 responses to “The View From My (Bus) Window”
  1. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    So cool you have a view from the upper deck!

  2. Teri Morrow Avatar
    Teri Morrow

    Wow! Who would have believed a bus trip could be so interesting and colorful. Happy traveling, my friend. 🌎🌏🫢🏼🍷

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    So many shades of all colors

  4. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    hope you get some close ups of the Alpacas… pretty desolate , but lots of neat terrain.

  5. Beverly Avatar
