Thermal Hot Springs

While figuring out all our individual Plan Bs, six of us set off on a little excursion to the town of Pamukalle, known for its mineral-rich thermal waters. After a very cold, soggy morning of exploring ancient ruins, two hours of soaking in the warm waters (just under 100°F) of the Cleopatra Antique Pools felt heavenly.

Legend has it that this pool was a gift from Marc Anthony to Cleopatra. In the 7th century an earthquake toppled the surrounding buildings and columns into the pool, where they remain to this day. Traversing the pool one has to watch for the ancient debris.

Photography by Beverly K.
5 responses to “Thermal Hot Springs”
  1. The Lavender Baby Avatar
    The Lavender Baby

    Ahhh, I feel so healed!

  2. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Cool! or I should say HOT!

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Perfect transition or bridge activity

  4. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    That sounds wonderful!

  5. Margret Roberts Avatar
    Margret Roberts

    That looks like so much fun!!