
Tres Amigas

Blog reader Elaine writes:

You gals absolutely rocked it! Would Michelle and Beverly be willing to share a little background, careers, etc., as I feel I’m getting to know of them through this blog. This trio will remain friends for life!

Here you go Elaine! Here are profiles of my two amigas whose pictures you’ve been seeing in these posts, especially those from Iguazu Falls, where the three of us travelled together. I will always cherish these travel moments with them.

If there is music on, Beverly will be dancing. And sometimes singing too. In her elegantly coordinated outfits, with a matching scarf wrapped around the brim of her hat. She hails from Fargo, North Dakota, where she worked as an RN at a psychiatric hospital. Prior to that she worked as a realtor in Honolulu. When things get rough, she encourages us with “You can tolerate anything for a short period of time.” Her son Shane is the joy of her life.

Michelle is the youngest in our group of travelers and comes with a warm laugh and a pixie haircut. I’m pretty sure she’s made of pixie dust. She is on this journey with her partner May (whom I featured a while back when he took over our hotel in Istanbul to cook us a grand meal). She’s a CPA who loves crunching numbers and physics. On the cruise, her plan was to be one of our digital nomads, continuing to work remotely. Being a tech-savvy millennial, she has also graciously become my technical support person (Michelle…help…how do I do this…I think I just wiped everything out…)

In Iguazu, Argentina, overlooking the Iguazu river
9 responses to “Tres Amigas”
  1. Terrific trio-adventuresome and savvy!!

  2. Bueno!

  3. Thank you, Basia.

  4. Companions on the journey are you…a pleasure to meet you and hope you agree to lead us thru more adventures. I cannot tell you the joy you bring to my everyday life!

  5. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Thank you so much for sharing your radiant personalities! May life continue to bless you all on your journeys. And many thanks for allowing us to share in your adventures.

  6. Margret Roberts Avatar
    Margret Roberts


  7. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Encantada de conocerla Beverly and Michelle.

    1. Pretty good Spanish there, sister!

      1. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
        Donna Kruszewska

        Yes, especially for someone who took French in WHHS with Mrs. Beech. Since this is not an in-person introduction, I thought I would go with the more formal version than the response that you hear more often which is just Mucho Gusto.