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When Do You Sail?

“Are you sailing yet? When do you sail?”

That’s the #1 question I hear from family and friends, many of whom are starting to doubt I will ever get out of Belfast. No, we haven’t sailed yet.

It turns out that resurrecting a ship that hasn’t been in the water for over 4 years is no easy task. There are thousands of items that need repair, replacement, testing and re-certification. Over the last couple months, I’ve learned way more than I ever wanted to know about the inner life of ships. I can tell you the right way to do a blue test, what rudder stocks do, how many engines and generators the ship has, what penetrations are, what a sea trial is, and an alphabet soup of acronyms (PSSC, DNV, MCA, USPH, HVAC, MPX, P&I).

Villa Vie (the cruise company) has been bringing us along for the ride as they test, modify, inspect, and prep. We are on board the ship during the day, so we have a front row seat to the happenings.

The view from my cabin window

My fellow passengers and I (or residents, as we are called) are more than ready to get out of Belfast. We’ve all had our moments of frustration and discouragement with the delays. But we are ever so slowly inching toward the finish line (or I should say, the start line).

So the answer is, soooooooooon.

8 responses to “When Do You Sail?”
  1. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    I so want so badly to type two words to you that start with B and V. Can’t yet so I’ll leave you a story. I remember a store build out I was in charge of. I had to practically live onsite. The foreman would look at me every damn day and say… “ Just like Christmas, it’s coming!” It opened just fine and all was good. Here’s hoping that once again with all your new learning, your book this time around needs a title like “Come Sail away…But First Wile Away” ♥️

    1. Oh my goodness Jane Anne, so many gems in this comment! “Just like Christmas, it’s coming” and “First While Away” – I will have to use that with my shipmates!

  2. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    Good on you for being such a patient traveler. I’m sure it will all work out, if not, no doubt in my mind you will make rhe most of it and go on doing something else. So much energy you have!!! Enjoy and remember, This too, shall pass!

    1. That is what we keep telling ourselves! 🙂

  3. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    You definitely have patience! Could be several weeks or more. Maybe days – thinking positive! Repairs seem to take awhile. But once the repairs are done, it should be a wonderful cruise ship! And think of all the adventures you have had up to this time! So cool!

    1. So true!

  4. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    If this situation was not testing your patience, one wouldn’t be human. But,
    thank God they are taking their time to make sure you all will be safe and have
    all that you’ll need to ensure a secure journey.

    1. Yes, that is how we are trying to re-frame it.

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