Where To Next

I’ve been on the road for over 4 months (since Oct 29), and in South America for the last two. So far, I’ve covered the southern regions (shown in green on map): Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and the Falkland Islands. (Technically, I’ve been to Brazil also, but only briefly in Iguazu Falls, so I’m not counting it for the moment).

Tomorrow morning, I set off on a 33-hour bus trip from Santiago Chile to Bolivia, where I’ll be exploring the Salt Flats and La Paz. Then on to Machu Picchu, Peru, and Ecuador, with a side trip to Galapagos Islands. Also hoping to add a tour through the Amazon rain forest at some point.

The adventure continues!

Green = done. Pink = planned
16 responses to “Where To Next”
  1. Beverly Avatar

    I’m stealing this.

    1. Go for it Beverly.

  2. Hazel Mckay Avatar
    Hazel Mckay

    Glad to hear you are still a recycled teenager and doing the back packer trails and adventures. Thanks for taking us with you. The ship adventure is next year I take it you are not going to join the Villa Vie cruise to saile the seas for 3 and a half years then.

    1. No Villa Vie for me. Too much lingering baggage with that group.

  3. Sharon Lanza Avatar
    Sharon Lanza

    My most favorite trip was Ecuador, the Amazon, Peru & Machu Picchu. Then Morocco. Have a fantastic trip!!

    1. I remember you talking about your Machu Picchu trip, way back.

  4. Rami Mina Avatar
    Rami Mina

    You made fresh lemonade as I knew you would. Enjoy your adventure.

    1. Hi Rami – definitely trying to squeeze those lemons for everything I can get! I am now considering this cruise – have you seen it, and any chance you might be on it? A neutral party, with none of the baggage:


  5. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Enjoy your adventure in the Northern part of this country!

    1. Thanks Sharon, and thanks for coming along with me on the journey.

  6. Larry Brown Avatar
    Larry Brown

    Are you still traveling with your companions, or are you now on your own?

    1. I’m back to traveling solo!

  7. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Ohhh _ I can’t wait !!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, my most loyal commenter!

  8. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Wonderful! You know, my parents and I almost immigrated to Argentina because the US visa was not coming through. If so you may have wound up there as well. South America is the continuent I know the least about so nice to get your travelogues. Gilce, our Brazilian housemate is still here but going back this year. She’s invited Sierra to visit. Keep traveling and be safe.

    1. Tereska, I remember that. What a different life that would have been for us both. I had not traveled around South America either, so I’m happy to have this opportunity to do so.