Zipping in the Jungle

While in Iguazu, we noticed an ad for zip lining and decided to give it a try. Their web site listed 65 as the upper age limit, which I was puzzled by. All three of us had zip lined before and didn’t consider it that strenuous. Scary perhaps, but not strenuous; mostly you just had fly through the trees. So we were trying to figure out how to get fake IDs in Argentina for us two seniors. It turned out they didn’t ask for IDs at the gate, so there was no need to break any laws. 🙂

But it quickly became obvious why there was an upper age limit. This was no ordinary zip line. It was more like a brutal high ropes course in the jungle.

It consisted of five levels of progressively more higher and more difficult balancing acts, with ropes and wobbly steps and spinning logs. The levels were named after jungle animals, from monkey to jaguar, which I presume corresponded to their ability to navigate the jungle. After every 5 or 6 rope activities, there was a zip line. By the time I got through level 3 (coati level), I was completely wiped out. My more hardy travel buddies made it all the way to level 5; they rocked jaguar level!

Yes, that is a look of terror on my face
Michelle on Level 4
Beverly on Level 4

I’m having trouble today uploading videos directly to my blog, so here are a few from my YouTube channel.

Me navigating a tightrope
Me failing at my zip line landing. I had to propel myself back manually.
Michelle navigating the spinning logs.
Bev on tightrope
6 responses to “Zipping in the Jungle”
  1. Stay tuned Elaine … 🙂

  2. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    That is just plain crazy.. The zipline looked the easiest of all of it. Definitely not for my almost 67 year old person.

    1. Yes, it’s funny that the zipline turned out to be the least scary thing there.

  3. Larry Brown Avatar
    Larry Brown


    1. I was saying that a lot…

  4. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    You gals absolutely rocked it!
    Would Michelle and Beverly be willing to share a little background, careers, etc., as I feel I’m getting to know of them through this blog. This trio will remain friends for life!