
Plant a Tree

Our cruise is putting in place a volunteer community service program called Global Harmony, and today we kicked things off with our first project: a tree planting.

A group of us were up bright and early (6 AM!) to head out to Glenshane Country Farm, a working sheep farm about 45 minutes outside Belfast, where we planted oak, maple, and apple trees. From the Global Harmony program mission statement:

Breaking ground
Attaching tree guards
Adding a layer of hay + sheep poop
Basia, Alicia, and Katrina, with our Norway Maple tree
Kit adding a layer of sheep wool for protection
Tree planters Beena, Basia, Katrina

Chris and Basia channel American Gothic:

6 responses to “Plant a Tree”
  1. Tina BOULTON Avatar
    Tina BOULTON

    Great meme – you’re a hoot

  2. Gordon Dow Avatar
    Gordon Dow

    So you think the cruise is still going to happen? What’s the latest news?



  3. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Good ‘ol practices for organic tree planting. Like the variegated leaves of the Norway Maple. Love the comic AMERICAN GOTHIC!

  4. Great project and awesome Gothic picture!

    1. With a pitchfork in hand, I couldn’t resist…

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