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The Real End Of The World

We made it to the end of the world!

Drake Passage (which we have to cross to get to Antarctica) wasn’t nearly as bad as I had been expecting. No rogue waves, no dishes crashing. But even so, it kicked my butt. Even though I had my relief band on, the steady, continuous rocking got to me; I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck. I spent most of the day in bed, not even getting up for lunch or dinner. Today I switched to Dramamine and different sea bands and it seems to have cleared up. We dined with two of the ship doctors, who said on a scale of 1 to 10, she would rate yesterday’s Drake passage as a 1. So there you have it, I’m officially a weenie!

Good thing, because today we did our first zodiac landing, in the Barrientos Islands. It was a bonus landing; the calm waters meant we arrived earlier than anticipated and were able to take the zodiacs out for a ride. Thousands of penguins–Gentoos (with red beaks) and chinstraps (with a black line along their chin that looks like a strap)– were everywhere.

Disembarking from our zodiacs on shore
Gentoo penguins braying
Gentoo Penguins
Gentoo Penguins
Chinstrap Penguin
Weddell Seal
12 responses to “The Real End Of The World”
  1. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    The Gentoos are such a brilliant orange intraorally. Glad you got photos of them braying. The Chinstraps’ markings are cute, too. So sorry you had such a time with seasickness. May your trip back through the Drake Passage be kind to you!

    1. The braying was fascinating to listen to. They seemed to have a lot to say.

  2. Shannon Clubb Avatar
    Shannon Clubb

    Oh how scary ! But those penguins are so worth it !!!!! Look at them !!!!!!

    1. I had a hard time taking my eyes off them!

  3. Alison Campbell Avatar
    Alison Campbell

    Chinies!!! The Drake was ok going south for me and heading back it kicked my butt. We had dishes flying, you’d catch your glass as if slid across the table. I had the patch, Bonine, and tried ginger chews. I spent a day in bed. You’ll survive it. And your ship has newer stabilizers than mine did! Enjoy the white continent. If you get near Elephant Seals, hope that you are upwind – it is impressively nasty. Enjoy!!

    1. Heading back was rougher for us too. There were dishes breaking. I switched to the meds the ship was giving out and didn’t get sick, just a bit sleepy.

  4. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Love the Penguins!

    1. They are absolutely lovable creatures.

  5. You are really there! Super. I’m so glad you decided to make this side trip.

    1. Best spur-of-the-moment trip I ever did.

  6. Larry Brown Avatar
    Larry Brown

    I’m a retired ER doctor who considered signing up to be the ship doctor on a Quark trip, but I was afraid that I might be the sickest one on board.

    1. That would be a problem, wouldn’t it. 🙂

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